Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Southern Coast trip, day 2

Ember and I have been onthe road for the past 2 days, taking the coastal route to Los Angeles, checking out beaches along the way. Today and yesterday we are at my pal's house in Santa Cruz.

We did a playa design on the northern side of Bright Beach, just south of the amusement park. We did it on a broad piece of sand, the first we've seen so far that wasn't steep. It was situated alongside a stream emptying directly into the ocean. Pics soon to follow. The design came out very nicely, looking like a stress fracture in rock, or soemthing along those lines. Its somethign I would like to investigate further as a design. For being developed, proposed and implemented in a matter of minutes, it came out quite nicely. I have to remember to have a point of focus so that I am 'growing' the design correctly. Its easy to get caught up in what some part of the design is doing and lose sight of what I was doing...of course, the 2 go hand in hand.

Reflection waves have been on the brain ever since a few weeks ago when we attempted to do lines inspired by zen rock raking around these pillars. The lines became reflections of water bouncing from them. The design was a good attempt, but off the mark. It did, however, got my brain seeing reflections in water and noticing how waves of energy interact with each other. Like the solitons from 'Turbulent Mirror', the standing waves of energy, the waves maintain their integrity as they pass through each other at various angles, and sometimes catching up and overtaking each other. What we found really amazing was that a wave from the ocean would instigate a propogation of an energy line (essentially a wave) upriver! So check it, the water that is forming the upriver advancing wave is itself moving downriver. How the hell does that work? Its like the ocean wave is traveling back through time. The medium is resonating, not any particular water particle. And yet, each particle is responsible....awesome!

A note from our car trip yesterday. We passed by pebble beach, on hwy 1 just south of the pescadero turnoff. We will have to make a plan to return and get into the art possibilities here. The underlying rock formations are diverse and very interesting- the sandstone clusters with a ton of small holes sandblasted into their sides. And the pebbles...of all colors, but all smaller than my pinky nail. 

we've been reading the intro to 'escher, godel, bach', which is essentially about strange loops and their role in self-awareness. he says that escher's work of multiple levels of reality, or reality creating itself, as revealing that there is always a level higher (as in higher reasoning, meta levels), and always a level lower. or as he says it, levels of increasing reality, and levels of increasing fantasy....

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